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Family Caregiver Tele-Summit

Kelvin Chin and 9 other Interviews of Key National Experts at -


Learn from 10 men and women who have dedicated their lives to caregiving, to people just like you. 

Why are we doing a 3-Day Virtual Training devoted exclusively to caregiving?

  • Because 65 million people face elderly caregiving with absolutely no training or preparation
  • Because 80% of caregivers report caregiving negatively impacts their family life
  • Because 65% of the elderly rely exclusively on family and friends for assistance
  • Because the stress of family caregiving for persons with dementia has been shown to impact a person’s immune system for up to three years after their caregiving ends

There is no doubt about it – caregiving can tax even the most dedicated, patient and loving person. There are definite, measurable physical and financial costs as well. The average family caregiver for someone 50 years or older spends $5,531 per year on out of pocket caregiving expenses – that’s more that 10% of the median family income.

Another study found that American businesses lose $17.1 Billion per year due to family caregiving.

Another shows that 40% to 70% of family caregivers have clinically significant symptoms of depression.

The problem is huge and there are very few people and groups addressing this issue. Businesses aren’t helping, politicians aren’t helping.

We have been in your shoes – we know what it’s like first-hand. We remember the feelings of isolation and overwhelm, believing that no one else understood what we were going through.

So we put together a compilation of the best experts we could find to present solid, up-to-the-minute information to help make your life easier.

Bottom line, we care about caregivers.

Here are a few juicy tidbits you’ll discover from this first-of-its-kind, ground-breaking online conference:

  • The most common mistakes many caregivers make
  • Signs of caregiver burnout and what to do about it
  • Financial considerations for in-home care
  • Dealing with the confusion of the patient and family
  • Managing guilt when caregivers are ready for their love one’s life to end
  • Signs to look for indicating hospice or palliative care is needed
  • The biggest challenges that a caregiver faces
  • Creative ways to deal with the difficulties of caring for elderly family members
  • What is the difference between grief and the fear of death
  • Understanding the many myths about guilt
  • Dealing with the fear of death in situations where the patient is comatose
  • The hardest parts of being an ongoing caregiver
  • What long-distance family members can do to care for dying family members
  • Dealing with estate issues in a highly contentious family
  • Creative ideas to help families divide an estate
  • The most common mistakes people make when it comes to estate planning
  • Why diet and nutrition need to be coordinated with medications
  • Tax issues concerning hiring and paying a caregiver
  • Establishing and understanding trusts
  • How to make end of life legal issues easier
  • The big mistakes caregivers make financially when a family member dies
  • What a Power of Attorney is and how to create one
  • What a living trust is and why it would be needed
  • How wills should be arranged in light of Medicaid benefits and claims
  • What look-back laws are and how they figure into elderly legal issues
  • How to find contracts that limit liabilities as a caregiver
  • Insurance policies survivors need to know about
  • Tax responsibilities after your loved one dies
  • Navigating the terms used in the healthcare environment
  • What family members can do to best use their healthcare insurance benefits
  • Why it’s important to connect with the variety of providers involved in patient care
  • How family can help medical providers best care for their elderly family members
  • Tips for getting elderly family members to eat the right things
  • The most common mistakes made in terms of nutrition and caregiving

To join us for this no-cost, advanced caregiving summit, just enter your name and best email address and youll immediately be sent your access details.