An Amazon Best Seller !
Has helped people from over 60 countries...
“Overcoming the Fear of Death:
Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems”
Paperback, e-book, or audiobook
(audiobook is narrated by the author Kelvin Chin)
“YOUR BOOK has a raw emotional sincerity...”
“I just finished your first book. I am an academic editor specializing in philosophy and religion, and I have degrees in both fields. But your book has a raw emotional sincerity and power that is almost impossible to find in the scholarly world. It helped me find some hope that I will encounter my husband, best friend, and soulmate again, now gone for nearly four years. He is still the center of my life, and I talk to him every day. Personal connection is rare even in so-called real in-person not virtual society and nonexistent in the hucksterish self-help universe. I am looking forward to reading your next book. Thank you.”
— Wendy Lochner, Publisher, Columbia University Press
huge weight lifted…first time I’ve felt free…fear has cleared overnight…
“Good morning! I wanted to quickly reach out and tell you what an amazing human being you are. Yesterday I downloaded your audible book Overcoming the Fear of Death. I started yesterday afternoon and I finished it this morning. Long story short, I’ve always had a fear of death and the unknown, but it got worse after my first child was born. The thought of death would trigger crippling panic attacks that seemed to last forever. I decided to use this “pain” as a teacher, and I believe this was all part of a spiritual awakening for me. Although I’ve come a long way with calming my fears of death, I’d still always have that voice of “what if this is all there is? What if when I die, I never exist again?” And although the panic attacks don’t happen anymore, it is still an unsettling thought that I didn’t think I could ever heal.
After listening to your book, I feel as if a huge weight has lifted from my shoulders. This is the first time that I’ve ever felt free of this crippling thought. You have done such an incredible job with writing this book, and making it easy to understand. I love your delivery and how you look at everything from a logical point of view. I’m almost in disbelief that after all of these years of trying to heal myself from this thought, that it has cleared overnight. Your book has been a Godsend and you have done more for me than you could imagine. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your gifts with the world 🙌”
— Candice Dahlenburg, Allentown, Pennsylvania
I loved reading your book. Your book got me thinking about what I believe in, and while I don't actually know, I hope there is more to life (well, death really) than just this physical life. I am so thankful to you and your book for encouraging me to explore my beliefs a bit more.
So, long story short I am doing much better and
honestly, I am not having those thoughts anywhere near as much as I used to.
In fact sometimes I can't even remember the last time I thought about them.
Thank you so much, Kel. I am so glad I found you!
— Angelique, Melbourne, Australia
I love your voice in the book: I truly felt that you were in the room with me. It has helped me deal with the loss of my hero, my Father. I felt like I had a good friend guiding me through the hardest time of my life. I am so grateful that this book has been here to guide me through my grief and to help me understand and accept his death and move on from this pain.
— Maria Barr, London, England
Kelvin’s book brilliantly helps you to overcome the fear of death thru each of the four main belief systems. Many of my patients struggle to articulate their fear of dying. Kelvin gives a voice to those individuals and those who are in grief recovery.
— Jamila Battle, MD, Board Certified Family, Sleep and Addiction Medicine, Raleigh, North Carolina
9 Lives...
This book has changed my lives!
— Patrick, feral cat, Kent, Washington
Honored to have my book Featured in Stanford Law School's CodeX Book Club...
More Praise for Overcoming the Fear of Death...
“Woody Allen once said, ‘I’m not afraid of dying. I just don’t want to be there when it happens.’ For those of us who will be there when it happens, Kelvin Chin is providing insight, caring support and a warm life philosophy.”
~ Pen Densham, Oscar Nominated Filmmaker, Los Angeles, California
“I’m loving your book, Kelvin. Hard to put down. I love your style of presenting. Leading with your own personal experiences which opens up one’s heart with appreciation. I’ve only just begun and already don’t want it to end. It’s a gentle gift to the world to soften the death experience. Thank you so much for writing this book, Kelvin.”
~ Connie Van Yserloo, Santa Monica, California
“Your book is an excellent tool for preaching this often times difficult subject. Thank You for the work you do and for bringing a refreshing and innovative approach to a very old subject.”
~ Susan Clift, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
“As a nurse, I’ve personally seen a patient’s heart stop while in surgery, only for it to restart on its own minutes later.... So in reading this book, I am sensitive to the various, very personal experiences that occur on a daily basis. The stories that are shared in this book make one think more about how we view death, regardless of our belief systems. I found this book to be non-threatening as it leans more towards a universal perspective, and it was an easy read. I’m looking forward to the next book!
~ Karen C. Kelly, MS, RN, New Hampshire
“I grew up in a very strict Christian home and heard thousands of hours of hell-fire and brimstone style preaching growing up. Many nights I’d lie in bed terrified of what would happen when I died and met this angry God in the sky. If I “died in my sin” or with a “rebellious heart” I’d be doomed to an eternity in hell. This caused a lot of nightmares and sleepless nights to say the least. I ditched my religion after a year or two in college, but the fear of death, God and Hell has stuck with me, even into my mid-thirties. I just haven’t been able to ever shake it completely. When life is good, and I’m calm and thinking rationally, I realize the idea of an eternal hell is ridiculous. But if I’m having a bad day, feel depressed or anxious, or sick, sometimes those old fears rear their ugly heads, and it is very unpleasant. I got the chance to meet Kelvin and speak with him on several occasions. He is one of the nicest, smartest and caring guys you could ever meet. He was genuinely concerned about what I was going through, and not just trying to sell me a book or a seminar or whatever. The information he shared with me, which was reinforced reading this book, has helped me tremendously to just say “Forget about it!!!” whenever the fear of death starts to creep in. I don’t let myself dwell on it anymore. The fear of death is irrational and robs us of enjoying the present moment. The energy wasted on fear is better spent on doing positive things with your life, spending time with family and friends, building relationships, and having fun, come what may. This book attacks the illogical fear of death from many different angles, not just religious. Whether you’re afraid of something bad happening to you after you die, or ceasing to exist forever, or the actual process of dying itself, this book deals with it all and is sure to help you in some way. I was honestly at the end of my rope when I reached out to Kelvin. The fear of death was ruining my life, but after 2 decades of struggling with this fear, and reading on the subject, listening to YouTube videos, talking to a therapist, I was starting to think there was no hope for me. Nothing worked! But I was wrong. There is help and there is hope. I’m very grateful for Kelvin and the work he does. It has changed my life and made me more optimistic about the future. My attitude about death now is that whatever happens, I’ll be able to handle it :) The relief I’ve felt has been nothing short of a miracle.”
~ J.A., Arizona
“Beautiful, Kelvin. Clear, calming and much so that it speaks directly to both the analytical mind and the heart in a way that’s so calming. Awesome!”
~ Laura Tateishi Selis, Austin, Texas
“This is a very impressive work and something I will read and reread throughout this life. Many thanks for writing it. I think everyone who reads it will forever be changed no matter their beliefs. Small or large, no matter. It will stick.”
~ Greg Berning, Energy Executive, Illinois
“Just finished the book. Once I got going I couldn’t put it down. Very insightful. Loved the personal stories. Everyone can benefit from it.”
~ Donna Carpenter, Recent Widow and Caregiver, Round Rock, Texas
“Your book is not like others that are out there, it is going to make a difference because it is going to really cause people to think, to question, to be more tolerant, and even ask questions about things they were taught. It and you will have an impact! A much needed book on more than fear, but of really living.”
~ Diane Rousseau, PhD, Seattle, Washington
“I found it fascinating. Got me thinking about my own beliefs and fears surrounding death. I appreciate how you have offered different alternatives and possible belief systems without judgement and with objectivity. I’m confident that your thoughts and writings will be shared with many and serve as a catalyst for people to be more open to discussions about death. Love your encouragement for people to turn within and live in the present. Such good advice!”
~ Gary Saint Denis, Former Chairman & Co-Founder, 1-800-DENTIST, Santa Barbara, California
“For those of us who have avoided thinking and talking about death, this book will jump-start that process by addressing the fear associated with such avoidance. Kelvin provides us a lens through which to see our fears more clearly. He teases out the various options about what may happen to us at the time of death and the role that cognition may, or may not, play in that arena. It seems logical that once started on this much needed journey, a healthy conversation about death will include our physician, our family and our spiritual director in identifying the values that will guide our care givers in making those tough choices when we can no longer express or exercise them for ourselves. Reducing our fear of death may also result in a more level-headed discussion of euthanasia. Since we are not born with an ‘on/off’ switch, it seems reasonable to continue on to a broader societal discussion of the management of suffering, and what a humane ending of life will look like as a standard practice in the field of medicine. This book will help you to frame these discussions with an open mind, heart and spirit.”
~ Rev. Robert J. Wagener, MA, MDiv, Hospice and University Chaplain (Ret.), San Diego, California
Even More Praise for Overcoming the Fear of Death...
“This is so beautifully written - it holds insight into daily relationships and asks each person to see with greater depth. It reminds on how and why we care and shows we learn, grow, and by truly loving all facets of our life and others, we realize the importance of understanding the continuation of life, the process of death and after and truly becoming a more involved human compassionate and forgiving being. This is something all share, all face; defining love as an extension of truly seeing the value of each life, each heart and being there. So well done!”
~ Diane Rousseau, PhD, Seattle, Washington
“Preface is clear, concise, well written. Direct hit already...including the beliefs about death.
Looking forward to reading (and rereading ) your book. Namaste.”
~ Patti Lou Curran, Norwood, Massachusetts
“Kel speaks to his readers the same way he speaks to people in person, with patience and caring, and with clear explanation. By freeing yourself of the universal fear of death and dying you can be more present to enjoy the life you’re living right now. The message in this book is timeless.”
~ Nancy Williams, Phoenix, Arizona
“I found it insightful and interesting. I personally haven’t previously spent too much time thinking about death so this gave me an opportunity to reflect more on this subject. As I was reading the book, I’m not sure if my own thinking about death falls into just one category. Perhaps I believe some of this and some of that category. And I know that my belief has shifted over time and may continue to evolve. I look forward to reading your next book.”
~ Bruce Kravitz, Austin, Texas
“Books can be so powerful for people, spreading ripples and rings of reminders and alerts through space and time. It brought up and delighted me of so much.”
~ Candice Shields, Fremantle, Australia
“It took me a while to get through this one for obvious reasons. My 57 year old, beautiful niece was in hospice after having fought cancer for four years. She had a calm and beautiful death with her siblings and her husband beside her. We were more afraid than she was. This book is helping me with the grieving process. Her kind and sensitive husband took care of her and she remained calm. Each day was precious to her. Hospice was wonderful. Those of us that feared the end of our world through her learned that the sun did come out the next day. I got through most of the sections and as I was going through them, although I am back in the middle of this process, reading of the whole process is beginning to help. It helps me to see that life...goes on. The loneliness and isolation I feared for her husband has not happened. Her acceptance helped all of us be released from the fear of death.”
~ Eileen Vernon, Cleveland, Ohio
“The Fear of Death is something we will all have to deal with and this book will help face and overcome that fear. The book is full of interesting stories of peoples experiences with death as they relate to an individuals belief system. This book will definitely get you thinking.”
~ Henry Dearborn, Fairfield, Iowa
“Quite an eye opener, this book has expanded my mind to other possible ideas or ways of approaching life. An easy & comforting read. I hope to read more books written by this author.”
~ Paula Washington, Reston, Virginia
“When I read about your dad’s death and how you involved your children with his final days here in the physical world, and your mom’s death and how you wrote about it - touched my heart. My condolences to you for losing both of your parents (especially with your mom’s early death). Adding this information in at the beginning of the book makes you (as an author) unfiltered, real & that you certainly experienced first hand for those who read your book (and have not experienced that magnitude of death in their own life). Kel, I am learning a lot from you! Thank YOU!!!”
~ Deanna Hunt, Raleigh, North Carolina
“This was so enjoyable to read. I appreciated hearing about the other beliefs and will have much more room for others not in my camp now understanding what it looks it for them. I also love how you seized the topic to inject wisdom from other parts of your life. Especially on meditation, finding quiet and peace-how to do that-why it is valuable and important. Starting with your own experience with your dad this is very poignant. So practical and straightforward to ‘show’ how to celebrate a life-with that person still present. I like how clearly you delineate out the 4 systems and acknowledge each one therefore each person recognizes themselves as you honor all especially hybrids. There are so many folks I’d love to give this book to and many more to recommend it. It is one of those books that make you think, ‘How is it possible no one has done this before.’ It feels like the most natural information when presented as you do, saying things that have long needed to be said and laid out. This is really a book of life – a guide of sorts-disguised as a book about death. What a fantastic service you have done to map this territory. I know there will be more to come.
“As much as this is a guide to navigate yours and others beliefs around death it also holds pearls of wisdom for a more balanced and insightful life. Kelvin has provided a great service bringing this book forward for all to benefit from. Even if you knew much of which it contains it helps bridge a gap in conversation with others. It gives you an overview of a subject long held at arms-length that no one prior has laid out so clearly and concisely. It may be the best gift to offer to loved ones for a long time.”
~ Mary Randall, Boulder, Colorado
“It is important to discover that the unseen world is part of every human physiology. Death and beyond are continuous journeys of the soul, not to be feared, but rather embraced. Kelvin’s Book is a captivating story for us to understand our own perfect wholeness.”
~ Janet Swartz, Fairfield, Iowa