Interviews, Articles, Podcasts & Book Reviews
Below are 50 interviews with Kelvin Chin
To see 200 others, subscribe to his YouTube channel here:

Kelvin Chin discussing the teachings of Jesus, John the Baptist, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and others based on Kelvin’s memories and personal experiences in this life and his past lives.
TOPICS: How to overcome the Fear of Death, Fear of losing loved ones, Fight or Flight, NDE’s, Reincarnation experiences, “Turning Within” meditation technique, and more…
Book Signing & Talk to a full house of 75 in Norwood, Massachusetts
* Overcoming the Fear Of Death
* "Turning Within"
* "Fight or Flight"Past Lives
* Soulmates
5-min. interview in English & Spanish of Kelvin with Grace Acosta, International Producer, Bogatá, Colombia
LISTEN as Kelvin discusses his new book, Related fears about death, Past lives, “Turning Within” meditation, and more...
LISTEN to British comic and talk show host, Brian Gittins, along with his sidekick David Edwards, interview Kelvin on Brian’s popular podcast called “Life Lessons”...
WATCH this 2-minute clip of Kelvin on the “Evening News” to 100 million viewers in China.
Kelvin speaks in English, while the TV reporters speak in Mandarin Chinese with Chinese subtitles...
WATCH Kelvin interviewed by the ebullient, high energy and thoughtful Tonya Hofmann on her TV Show...
Kelvin Chin is interviewed by Sister Jenna on the “America Meditating Radio Show”-
LISTEN IN to their conversation...
LISTEN to this Podcast Interview...
* Kel’s death & dying work 30 yrs ago
* How to overcome your fear of death
* Medical Power of Attorney Agent
LISTEN to this discussion on whether Fear is a good thing, Overcoming fear, How to develop your own “fear radar,” and Helping surviving families with their fears...
LISTEN to this interview of Kelvin Chin by Jeff Murrah, founder of the Family Caregiver Summit - Topics covered: Fear, Grief, How a Caregiver can best help patients deal with both issues...
LISTEN as Kelvin talks about his new book, and a client getting over his fear of punishment (“hellfire & brimstone”). Kelvin also talks about the “Self-realization” that clients experience...
LISTEN as Kelvin is interviewed by Jayne Garry, Morning Show Co-Host / News Reporter, EZ-Rock Radio, in Trail, British Columbia, Canada.
Kelvin Chin is featured in this article along with a client story from Richard Bridgman from Illinois...
Founded in 1769, Dartmouth College spotlights the accomplishments of one of its alumni in each issue of its alumni magazine.
This interview by Executive Editor, Lisa Furlong, captures the key points in Kelvin’s current work with death and dying.
This interview has had over 25,000 views so far, and become a top Google search result for “fear of death.” Revealing interview with intriguing questions from the reporter, who sat with Kelvin for 90 minutes in the media room at the Commonwealth Club in SF asking questions after the lecture.
Translation from original article in Chinese...
Article is in both English and Chinese.
“World Journal” is the largest Chinese-language newspaper in North America.
And is one of the largest outside of China.
Kelvin Chin is featured in this article, as well as one of Kelvin’s clients, Richard Bridgman...
Translation from original article in Chinese...
(Article is in English and Chinese)
The Jonathan Club has been a prominent social club in Los Angeles since 1895. Many of LA’s political, educational, legal, healthcare, and business leaders are members.
Book Review by Monica Bay, CodeX Fellow, an attorney, analyst and journalist at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. Monica is also a columnist at "Above The Law," and she contributes frequently to Bloomberg BNA Big Law Business and other media.
Erik Kuykendall wrote a detailed review of Kelvin Chin’s new book "Overcoming the Fear of Death," as well as his work in Meditation and self-discovery.
Nelson, British Columbia is in the Kootenay Region of southeastern BC, known as “The Queen City” and for its part in the silver rush of the 1800’s, located on Kootenay Lake. When crossing the border, Kelvin was asked what he does by the Canadian customs agent, who then said he would buy Kelvin’s book!